Madeleine's Story from TantraNova
About the Program
This One-on-One Tantric Intimacy program is designed for you to ease into the TantraNova experience in a step-by-step approach. Over the course of the program you will be guided through the Foundational Level of cultivating deeper emotional intimacy into the Advanced Level of consciously creating sexual intimacy.
You will learn how to let go of past constraints and stories that might have kept you stuck and instead establish effective practices to inspire love and start creating intimacy consciously and recurrently.
Breakthrough Intimacy Coaching for the Woman: Awaken to Your Feminine Essence
Through this Feminine Essence program, have your relationship with yourself be a source of daily intimate inspiration. Allow this renewed aliveness to give you that spring in your step and then open doors effortlessly.
Here is what you will get as a woman from this program:
- Feel alive, vital and radiant in your body, heart and spirit
- Experience new levels of sensuous, sexual connection with your feminine Self
- Clear out intimacy blocks that keep you from getting what you want
- Learn how to create lasting intimacy and love instead of just falling into it
- Be introduced to intimacy and meditation practices that will inspire your everyday life
- Re-awaken your feminine essence and power within
- Become connected to your juicy and creative Self
- Experience a powerful self-love practice that will shift your sense of being as a woman
- Communication skills to more freely express your desires, make powerful requests and get your wishes fulfilled
- Balance your yin & yang way of being
- Become connected to your creative Self
- A program structure that enables you to bring presence and intentional connection to your daily interactions
Breakthrough Intimacy Coaching for the Man: Sustain your Masculine Pleasure
Through this Man’s Tantric Intimacy Program, have your relationship with yourself be a source of daily intimate inspiration. Then allow this renewed aliveness and powerful vitality give you that spring in your step and open doors effortlessly.
Here is what you will get as a man from this program:
- Clear out past imprints that keep you from living a life of emotional-sexual freedom and self-expression
- Experience new levels of love connection and fulfillment with yourself and others in your life
- Cultivate channeling your life-giving pleasure energy to create intimacy and love consciously
- Be introduced to intimacy and meditation practices that will alter your state of feeling, being and acting
- Feel alive, vital and radiant in your body, heart and spirit
- Deepen the connection with your creative Self
- Learn the separation of ejaculation and orgasm through a powerful self-love practice that will shift your sense of being a man
- Communication skills to more freely express your desires, make powerful requests and get your wishes fulfilled
- Balance your yin-yang way of being
- A program structure that enables you to bring presence and intentional connection to your daily interactions
Structure of the 3-Month Intimacy Coaching Program - available in-person or online:
- Six 1.5-hour One-on-One Zoom Live Coaching Sessions – two sessions per month
- Video & Audio Modules for home practice during and beyond the program
- Daily homework practice
- Email check-ins when needed
Structure of the 3-Day Intimacy Coaching Retreat - available in-person or online:
- Day 1: 10am-05pm -- Evening homework practice following
- Day 2: 10am-05pm -- Evening homework practice following
- Day 3: 10am-12pm
- Video & Audio Modules for homework practice during and beyond the retreat
- Follow-up session within a month of the retreat
The Promise
The promise of the program is for you to make a fundamental shift in your life - like moving from a ‘flat to a round world’ in terms of love, intimacy and your sexual Self. To realize life-changing and long-lasting results, our practice is to only work with clients who are fully committed to a fundamental shift in their life.
Answer these questions to see, if you should invest in Breakthrough Intimacy Coaching with us:
- How much is not investing in yourself costing you now?
- What is feeling intimately connected, creatively expressed and sexually fulfilled while experiencing joy and peace worth to YOU?
Connected with an inner confidence I did not know I had
Before I came to TantraNova I felt stagnant and was hurting from childhood wounds of sexual and physical abuse. I had difficulty trusting people, especially men, so I put up walls that I believe contributed to the demise of my marriage. I was tired of keeping up the charades.
Through the work with Elsbeth and Freddy I started to clear out old baggage and connected with an inner confidence I did not know I had. I became alive.
I now experience deep love for myself … and am open to invite love into my life.
Connecting my sexual life force energy with my whole being
Prior to finding TantraNova, I pursued multiple forms of therapy, meditation, and relational work on my journey of self-discovery. However, learning how to connect my sexual life force energy with my whole being turned out to be the missing piece for me. It has enabled me to step forward into the world fully integrated and fully alive. Thank you!
College Professor
Much gratitude to you for a life-changing experience
This spring I discovered TantraNova with Elsbeth and Freddy. I started on the journey with a very narrow goal, unaware of the clearing and transformation ahead. Through my work with Elsbeth in private sessions and at the Awakening the Feminine Essence, I let go of several negative familial and cultural attitudes. The practices enabled me to feel more grounded, powerful and connected to myself, others, and HaShem. Much gratitude to you for a life-changing experience.
Workplace Coach
I dramatically increased my ability to become conscious during moments of intimacy
I also had an awakening of a level of awareness that permeates through every area of my life. I learned that allowing emotions, both pleasurable, painful, and all the ones in between, made me more connected to my life. This allows me now to choose the best decision in the moment after any programmed or subconsciously created emotion washed over me. By choosing the best decision in the moment, repeatedly, day after day, life gets easier, more fun, and more abundant.
Internet Consultant
TantraNova taught me that sexual energy shows up in all aspects of life and can be expressed in many different ways
I came to TantraNova due to pain that made intercourse painful. I felt like a “broken” woman. TantraNova taught me that sexual energy shows up in all aspects of life and can be expressed in many different ways. I learned how to reclaim my sexuality through reframing my relationship not only with sex but also my whole self. I was able to see beliefs I created that were holding me back from the life I wanted to live and making me sick. I learned how to manage those things and how to work on changing them/letting them go. This in turn allowed me to enjoy my sexuality despite having physical limitations. I began to see my life as a creation and was able to experience more joy, deeper connection with others, and greater happiness in work and play. Through embracing my sexuality my health slowly started to be restored and I have now regained my sexual function.
Yoga Teacher
Group Programs
- Full payment is due by the registration deadline.
- In case of cancellation eight (8) weeks before the start of the workshop the tuition payment can be either transferred to another TantraNova workshop to be taken within 6 months
of the date of the original tuition deposit, or a refund minus a $100 administration fee per person is issued
- Cancellations within eight (8) weeks of the start of the workshop will not receive a tuition refund; however, the deposit can be transferred for a $100 transfer fee per person to a future TantraNova workshop within six (6) months of the date of the original deposit
- Discounted tuition rates are not eligible for refunds
- Cancellations or no shows upon the start of the workshop will not receive a tuition refund or transfer
- Registrations are non-transferrable to another person.
Private Programs
- All private sessions, series and retreats are scheduled by appointment. Payment is due at the time of reservation for the session, series or retreat.
- To reschedule/cancel an appointment, please call 773-525-5006 at least 24 hours in advance; otherwise the session will be forfeited and full payment is due.
- Cancellations within eight (8) weeks of the start of a session series or retreat will not receive a tuition refund. However, the deposit can be transferred for a $500 transfer fee per person to future sessions/retreats within 6 months of the date of the original deposit
- Discounted tuition rates are not eligible for refunds
- A Private Session Series is to be completed, including payment plans. Any remaining credits are to be used within 6 months of the original deposit
- Cancellations or no shows upon the start of the program will not receive a tuition refund or transfer
- Registrations are non-transferrable to another person.
Mastery & Certification Programs
- Payment plan options are available
- Cancellations by early discount deadline will receive a tuition refund minus the non-refundable deposit of $500 and a $200 administration fee per person.
- Discount tuition rates are not eligible for refunds.
- Cancellations after early discount deadline will not receive a refund; however, the tuition payment minus the non-refundable deposit of $500 and a $200 transfer fee per person can be transferred to a future TantraNova Mastery Program to be taken within twelve (12) months of the original deposit date.
- Cancellations at any time upon the start of the program will not receive a refund or transfer. Any unpaid installments from a payment plan will need to be paid off.
- Registrations are non-transferrable to another person.