Here is Liz’ and David’s story on how they rekindled their sexual spark through working with TantraNova …. for just 3-months:
“After 15 years of marriage, my husband and I were still in love, but, for a number of reasons, were no longer intimate. We knew we wanted to change, but we weren’t sure where to start. We had tried a couple of different counselors before. Although they were helpful in addressing certain communication issues, after several months, my husband and I still weren’t having sex. My friend told me about Elsbeth and Freddy. She had gone to one of their weekend retreats years before, and she said they were “legit” and they could help us.
The first session I felt a lot of resistance and doubt. I remember Freddy saying not to worry. We should just take things step by step, and in three months, we would be surprised at where we ended up. Tears sprung into my eyes. He said it with such confidence and faith, I felt like it might be true. Elsbeth and Freddy did a lot of breathing exercises with us, and gave us homework each week–partner breathing, spooning, eye gazing, massages.
By the third session, my husband and I were having sex again. We were touching each other more throughout the day, giving each other hugs, kissing each other before we left for work. We feel kinder and more generous toward each other, and we are more able to be in the present moment–grateful that we have each other, knowing that life is unexpected, and anything can happen. “Touch your partner as if this might be your last moment together.” That’s what Elsbeth and Freddy told us, and I try to remember that.
We are a work in progress. We’re not perfect, and our intimacy ebbs and flows, but we are, without exaggeration, 85 percent (?) improved–and that’s after 5 sessions.
My husband and I are artists, and we don’t have a stockpile of money, so this was an investment for us. But we decided to go for it. We figured, who knows, we might live another 50 years! It’s not much money when you spread it over the remainder of our life together.
We’re so thankful for Elsbeth and Freddy. They are kind, encouraging, good listeners, passionate, practical, and we could feel them rooting for us every week. They were genuinely excited to hear about our progress and our journey to reconnect to each other and our own bodies.”
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