The Dance of Feminine & Masculine

Last weekend was the Air & Water Show in Chicago. It’s Elsbeth speaking: On my walk by Lake Michigan last Sunday I arrived just in time for getting a “front row seat” near Belmont Harbor to watch the acrobatic and exhilarating configurations the Blue Angels were performing.

Focused and channeled energy – in terms of the engineering capacity of the jet planes as well as the pilots who fly them!

Masculine energy at its best! Flow and attuned coordination – in terms of flying together superbly as a team!

Feminine energy at its best! I am always in awe when watching this Air Force team. I am reminded of the beauty of the integration and dance of the feminine and masculine, the Yin and the Yang, both within oneself as well as between people.

When I find myself befallen by anger, blame, disappointment, feeling sorry for myself, etc., I remember to return myself to coming into balance of the feminine and masculine by ruminating on the polarities of Yin and Yang such as Soft / Strong Creative / Intentional Receiving / Giving Playful / Grounded Listening / Speaking Circular / Linear Sensitive and intuitive / Self-disciplined ETC. This brings me back to my peaceful, centered and joyous Self.

Go try this practice. It will work for you as well!!!

Enjoy the ruminating!

P.S. Freddy Zental sends his greetings from his motor cycle freedom ride in Wisconsin this weekend. ——————————————————————

UPCOMING TantraNova WORKSHOPS & PROGRAMS PRIVATE PROGRAMS AND RETREATS For Couples For Singles Be Optimal: INTRODUCTORY WORKSHOP August 20 7:00-9:00pm Glenview, IL INTRODUCTORY WORKSHOPS at TantraNova Introductory Workshops September 6 / October 2 / November 7 CREATING INTIMACY & LOVE: Beginner Level For Couples & Singles August 25 / October 20 TANTRIC MASSAGE WORKSHOP August 26 / September 29 WORKSHOP FOR MEN THE POWER OF COMPASSION IN THE MASCULINE September 15 CREATION YOGA CLASS with Michelle Fiore September 20 7-8:30pm A fusion of traditional posture practice (asana) with elements of Hatha and Tantric Yoga. Please call 773-525-5006 to register. SEXUAL ENLIGHTENMENT – A One-Man Show September 30 8-9:30pm with reception following the performance WORKSHOP RETREATS FOR COUPLES & SINGLES: Beginner/Intermediate FULFILLMENT, VITALITY & PLEASURE: Sustaining Masculine Energy & Pleasure September 21-23 SECRETS TO LASTING INTIMACY: Re-awakening Feminine Energ y & Joy November 2-4 WORKSHOPS FOR WOMEN Feminine Essence: Explore the Power of the Divine Feminine Level I October 6/7 Level II December 1/2 THEATRE WORKSHOP: BREAKTHROUGH TO YOUR FULL SELF-EXPRESSION January 12, 2013 ————————————————————————– TantraNova at the WEST COAST of the United States TANTRANOVA AT ESALEN, BIG SUR, CALIFORNIA November 11-16 February 10-15 ————————————————————————– TantraNova at the EAST COAST of the United States TANTRANOVA AT KRIPALU, Western Massachusetts New Year’s Eve – Workshop and Ecstatic Puja December 30-January 1

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