TantraNova Blog

Discover the Secrets to Tantric Intimacy

Sexual Enlightenment – The Prologue

It was the summer of 1969. Freddy, an African-American in his early teens, was sprawled across the deck of the family houseboat in Sausalito, California, the sun beating against his dark skin as he idly discussed the interwoven notions of love, sex, and the sacred with family and friends....

Sexual Enlightenment TantraNova Book Trailer

Learn how to: Access peace and joy anytime and anywhere Feel confident, grounded, and vital in yourself Bring pleasure into your daily life Draw on your life-giving energy to infuse your wishes [row] [column span="8" class="col-md-offset-2"] [/column] [/row]

What does sex have to do with world peace?

By Freddy Zental These are my thoughts: If sexual energy or life force energy is creative and pleasurable by nature and that creativity and pleasure show up in all areas of our lives i.e. where we live, people were around and the work we do and that science tells us that it’s all energy…everything, we’re just a denser form of it and that when it manifests as sexual energy it creates life supporting existence …than learning practices that allow us to consistently tap into this life force energy even in its most subtle forms… then we are better people individually and collectively supporting more fully existence....