Women, Sex and Evolution

It’s said that the feminine is rising.  While having developed their ‘masculine’–capacities over the past 50-years since the onset of the women’s movement, women are re-connecting with their ‘feminine’ essence.  However, women are often still socialized to be ashamed of their sexuality.

Sexual Enlightenment – The Prologue

It was the summer of 1969. Freddy, an African-American in his early teens, was sprawled across the deck of the family houseboat in Sausalito, California, the sun beating against his dark skin as he idly discussed the interwoven notions of love, sex, and the sacred with family and friends.

The Extinction of the Male! Really?

In a recent conversation, a scientist friend of mine mentioned that researchers have indicated the extinction of the male within a thousand years or so. This had my head churning. What would need to change in order to divert the reality of such a prognosis?

Here is what we came up with:

For centuries, masculine energy has been dominating the planet as feminine energy has been suppressed.

The Discovery of Sexual-Spiritual Connection – DVD II REVIEW

This DVD offers intimate instruction to take your Tantra skills to the next level. In it, you are invited inside Freddy Zental’s and Elsbeth’s sacred space as they lead you through the women’s and men’s healing rituals. With their shared smiles and sighs, these two partners use massage, eye gazing, communication, acupressure, and breathing to awaken the goddess and sustain masculine energy together.