Vortex Meditation

This meditation allows you to feel grounded, alive, propelled, tapped into and connected to Self and the Universe

Vortex Meditation

Narrator: Elsbeth Meuth
Music: Barry Goldstein
Sound engineering: Freddy Z

Introduction to Vortex Meditation

Vortex Meditation

Connecting to Your Vortex

By connecting to the vortex you connect to your life force energy – your earthly being, your animal nature, your unique life force expression. The vortex rooted in the base chakra, the seat of your sexual life force energy, your aliveness, like a swirl, the base of an upward spiral. The vortex within each of us manifests individually in the 3-dimensional world of matter. However, in the 5th-dimensional world of energy and frequency, the individual vortex is one with the universal vortex

Connecting to your vortex within allows you to feel grounded, alive, propelled, tapped into and connected to Self and the Universe: Invigorating, accelerating and life-giving.

Set aside 6 minutes several times a week to access your Vortex or Primal Self activating your Life Force Energy to feel invigorated, alive and tapped in.

The music is by Barry Goldstein:

  • Vortex Meditation: Tribal Trance Initiation

Download the meditation on your phone so you can access it anytime and anywhere.

To download click here and then right-click and select ‘Save Link As…’ on the download link to save this mp3 audio to your computer. Please make sure the file extension is not renamed by your computer. The file name should end with .m4a.